
The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) is the training arm of the International Labour Organisation: it runs training, learning and capacity development services for governments, employers’ organizationsworkers’ organisations and other national and international partners in support of Decent Work and sustainable development.

Training takes place in Turin, in course participants’ home countries or via the Internet. As remote and mobile training becomes more possible, the ITC-ILO has increasingly looked at ways to support innovation in learning methods through mobile tools.

This tool is a project from the ITC-ILO and shows another approach to look at policy design by making use of social and behavioural science tools. Although the site is organised around the main theme of gender equality in employment policies, the aim is to expand this new approach to other policy-fields in which the ITC-ILO operates.

This project is part of one of the innovation fund projects that is supported by the Centre. The tool has been designed and developed in collaboration with Experientia.

If you have any questions about the tool or would like to contibute a new example, please send an email to gend@itcilo.org.